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TV report about Ibiza Property Market

by lasanclas, 18th September 2017

TV report about Ibiza Property Market with Dieter Sköries, owner of the estate agency Las Anclas Ibiza S.L., on channel IB3, broadcasted on 7th September 2017:

The prices of luxury real estate in Ibiza continue to rise. Buyers are Dutch, German, French, Italian, from Eastern Europe and British, even after the Brexit. Ibiza is becoming increasingly international and there are also arriving North Americans, Australians, Chinese and Indians to buy. Among other things, attention is paid to the proximity to the city of Ibiza, the size of the property, infrastructures and the sea view.

IB3, broadcasted on 28th November 2017:

Ibiza is the third city in Spain with the most expensive properties.
The real estate agencies expect that prices can rise even more. There is a lot of demand from foreigners, especially for new built apartments.